About Us

Belonging in families – Psalm 68:6

Child in Family Focus

Established in October 2012, Child in Family Focus is driven by the need to bridge the advocacy and awareness gaps evident in the alternative care arena in Kenya. The organization is committed to raising awareness about disadvantaged children in need of permanent, safe and loving homes and eliminating the barriers that hinder them from realizing their basic need of a family.

The organization engages, enlightens, and empowers children’s institutions and families for life changing outcomes. At Child in Family Focus – Kenya, all is done to God’s glory and honor. Pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14)

We are conscious of the changes in Kenya’s governance structure and are confident that the devolved system of government brings an enabling environment for our work in the counties and we remain committed to growing and meeting the alternative care advocacy needs in the country.

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Children grow best in families!

The family is the most important source of love, attention, emotional support, material sustenance and spiritual guidance in the life of a child.

- Scriptural, common sense and backed by years of academic research

Belonging in families – Psalm 68:6

Our Core Values

  • It is through Teamwork that a huge range of skills available at Child in Family Focus are utilized for the delivery of extraordinary results.

  • We adhere to the highest ethical standards and professionalism in our daily operations.

  • Integrity is a vital aspect of professionalism at Child in Family Focus. We are devoted to honoring our commitments in a trustworthy, truthful and considerate manner whilst also maintaining confidentiality.

  • Child in Family Focus is driven by Compassion – we stand for justice, human rights and dignity for ourselves, community and those we serve.

  • We strive for excellence in all our dealings

  • Unity of purpose – Child in Family Focus works in collaboration with like-minded State and Non-state actors for the attainment of its objectives.

Organization Structure of Child in Family Focus - Kenya

Since inception in October 2012, the organization has had to make do with a skeletal workforce that continues to grow. The CFFK team ardently believe that institutional care should only be used as a short-term last resort for children when all other options have been exhausted.

A board of directors comprising seven members offers oversight, checks and counterchecks, forecasting, and advises on amongst other matters; operational efficiency, policies and procedures, legal matters as well as compliance with Government regulations and institutions.

Oversight Board

``We impact the world in irreversibly positive ways and leave a great inheritance when we nurture every single child in a loving and caring family.``

Angela D'Silva

''We impact the world in irreversibly positive ways and leave a great inheritance when we nurture every single child in a loving and caring family.''

Angela D'Silva

Board Member


Julius Muli

Julius Muli

Board Member

''As a foster mother myself, I have seen first hand how deliberate care and support can impact and transform a child's life. Serving as a board member at CFFK has reinforced my personal vision to nurture the next generation into their full potential.''

Makena Kungu

''As a foster mother myself, I have seen first hand how deliberate care and support can impact and transform a child's life. Serving as a board member at CFFK has reinforced my personal vision to nurture the next generation into their full potential.''

Makena Kungu

Board Member

Compelled by my own upbringing in institutional care, serving in care reform advocacy and implementation is a reassurance that for the children in the system and those at risk of separation from their families, the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train. Hope shines bright!''

Peter K. Muthui

''Compelled by my own upbringing in institutional care, serving in care reform advocacy and implementation is a reassurance that for the children in the system and those at risk of separation from their families, the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train. Hope shines bright!''

Peter K Muthui

Board Member


Susan Wambui Kaguongo

Susan Kaguongo

Board Member

''Every child has a purpose beyond our imagination and our pursuit of their best interests and care and protection in families propels them towards the fulfillment of their purpose.''

Peter Ndotono

''Every child has a purpose beyond our imagination and our pursuit of their best interests and care and protection in families propels them towards the fulfillment of their purpose.''

Peter Ndotono

Board Member

'' It is my sincere belief and conviction that each child is born with a destiny; none is an accident. It is therefore our God-given duty and responsibility to ensure that this destiny is attained.``

Joe Mbuthia

'' It is my sincere belief and conviction that each child is born with a destiny; none is an accident. It is therefore our God-given duty and responsibility to ensure that this destiny is attained.``

Joe Mbuthia

Board Member

CFFK Staff

Florence Muteti

Project Coordinator

Mary Muhia

Project Coordinator

Immaculate Maracha


Janet Muhoro

Project Coordinator

Catherine Karanja


Tracy Mutembei

Social Worker

Francis Kanyoi

Accounts Manager

Seth Makai

Coordinator, Communications

Catherine Gadi

Social Worker

Moses Waweru


Caroline Ndegwa

Social Worker

CFFK’s position on Children’s homes

CFFK fully appreciates the important work that Children’s Homes continue to do in providing what is in many instances, the only available care for many children, even as we promote their transition to new responsibilities delivering alternative family-care.

We believe Children’s homes are in the best position to carry out the work of family tracing and child case management alongside the Directorate of Children’s Services and other partners as part of the important step of seeking and preparing a permanent family-placement for children.

CFFK provides technical support to build the capacity of Children’s Homes to deliver on this essential function to re-direct children from institutional care to living in families.

CFFK Is One Of The Founder Members Of The Following Coalitions:-

Belonging in families – Psalm 68:6

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